Refund Policy

SolaDrive offers a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee in which we will refund your initial payment if you are not happy with our services. Below explains the full details of this Refund Policy.

Refund & Billing Policy

Package Renewal

All services are automatically renewed on their renewal date after the initial term. The next renewal dates are included in every invoice. All service renewals will be invoiced 7 days before their renewal date unless other arrangements have been made or a cancellation request has been filed before . Cancellation requests must be received up to seven days prior to the next package renewal date in order to not be automatically billed for the next renewal period. Domain renewals are processed at least 30 days before the domain expiration date. Requests to cancel a domain registration must be submitted 30 days before the domain expiration date. Once an invoice is generated and paid, a domain renewal cannot be cancelled or refund issued.


All charges are shown in US dollars. Payments must be made in US dollars and drawn from an institution we accept. Exchange rates vary and are determined by the issuing financial institution. We accept payment via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, check or money order. When choosing a credit card as the primary method of payment, the customer gives consent to SolaDrive to charge the indicated card on the due date of any invoices on the account. It is the customer’s responsibility to keep all credit card and contact information current. If you do not wish to be billed automatically then you need to ensure you de-select the subscription option when checking out.

Payment is due on the renewal due date of the invoice. Accounts that have any invoices that are more than 3 days overdue will be marked as overdue and a 10% charge will be subjected to your invoice. If payment is still not received after 5 days your service will be suspended unless prior arrangements have been made. Accounts that have invoices over 15 days overdue will be subject to termination. All data in these accounts will be removed from our servers and will be permanently lost.

In the event that the customer does not pay for services provided, SolaDrive may assign unpaid late fees to a collection agency for retrieval. The customer agrees to reimburse SolaDrive for all expenses incurred to recover sums due, including attorneys’ fees and other legal expenses if legal action is necessary to collect payment on balances due. Returned or bounced checks will incur a $25.00 fee per instance.

Upgrades and Downgrades

Upgrades become effective only after payment for the package upgrade cost or difference is paid. In the event of a downgrade, a pro-rated credit for unused time will be issued to your account. Refunds will not be issued.


If there is an issue with your account or support, we’d be happy to resolve any questions or concerns you may have and are always going far up and beyond to ensure we keep you a satisfied and happy customer. Customer is free to cancel their account at any time by logging into their control panel and canceling under their service page. Similarly, SolaDrive reserves the right to cancel any account at any time, for any reason, including, but not limited to, a breach of the Agreement as defined in section “Suspension/Termination” on our TOS page.

Dedicated server customers are required to submit service cancellations requests at least 30 days prior to its next monthly billing cycle. No refunds or credits are given on dedicated servers. The only time we will issue a refund is in the event we are unable to provide the server ordered due to physically being out of stock for an extensive period of time.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If an account with a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee is purchased and canceled within thirty (30) days of sign up, the Customer will, upon request, receive a full refund of all hosting fees. Requests for these refunds should be made through our Billing Team. Refunds made for a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee will not include domain registration fees, setup fees, licenses, or any fees for additional services that are purchased in the first thirty (30) days.

The money back guarantee is only applicable to those products and services that are specified with this offer. Any other products or services with no specification in money back guarantee are not entitling to any money back or refund. Under the money back guarantee, only first-time accounts are eligible for a refund. For example, if you’ve had an account with us before, canceled and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund. This is to protect our refund guarantee from being abused. SolaDrive reserves the right to determine the definition of first-time accounts. If you cancel your account after the first thirty days have passed, or after your account is renewed then we will not be able to issue any refunds. Please note: upgrades to hosting service, domain registration, transfer and SSL certificates, or any additional licenses are non-refundable.

No refund will be honored on Dedicated Servers or Residential IP VPS, the 30 day money back guarantee does not apply. All PayPal processing fees that are no longer refunded, will be evenly split between sender and recipient.

Billing Errors

If you discover an error on your invoice please notify us as soon as possible by either calling or submitting a ticket to our Billing Department at We will honor invoice errors as long as we are notified of them within 60 days. If more than 60 days have elapsed we may decline the refund request. If a refund is in order it will go onto your account as a service credit to be used on a future invoice.

Chargebacks/Payment Reversals

Charge Back Fee: $50.00

Customer and agree that the actual damages to resulting from late payment by Customer would be impractical and difficult to determine, and that the above described late fees and charges represent a reasonable and bargained for estimate of those damages at the time this contract is agreed to. SolaDrive may reject the future use of credit cards from an account for which a chargeback has been previously issued. Upon receipt of a chargeback or credit card or PayPal payment reversal, the account related to the payment may be suspended.