This article will guide you through the installation of the R1Soft backup manager on CentOS, RHE(Red Hat Enterprise), or Fedora VPS. There are two methods of installing the backup manager.
- Using YUM
- Using RPM
Using YUM
Step 1: Configure the YUM repository
YUM is used to keep programs up-to-date on RedHat-compatible Linux distributions. we are going to configure the YUM repository to manage installations of and [upgrades] to Server Backup Manager. To do this, we create a YUM .repo file with the R1Soft repository information and save it in the yum.repos.d directory. Use this command below to open the new file with nano.
nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo
Enter the following text into the file and save it.
name=R1Soft Repository Server
You can use the command below to verify if the text has been saved successfully.
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo
Step 2: Install the package
Use the following command to install the R1Soft Server Backup Manager using the configured YUM repository file. Press "y" to install all the required package dependencies,
yum install serverbackup-enterprise
Once the installation is complete, we can proceed to configuring and starting the server. But first, let us look at another method of installation.
Using RPM
Step 1: Download the Server Backup Manager
You need to have registered as an R1Soft customer to access the Server Backup Manager downloads. Go to this link to log in to the R1Soft customer portal. Navigate to the downloads page and go to the "Backup Manager" product group. Click on the Linux 64-bit (x86_64/AMD64) link for 64-bit binary hardware/OS and download the file.
Step 2: Install the unzip utility
Run the following command to install the unzip utility that allows you to extract the contents of the downloaded zip file.
yum install unzip
You can skip this step if the unzip utility has been installed already.
Step 3: Extract the zip file
Use the following command to create a temporary directory to extract the contents of the downloaded zip file.
mkdir serverbackup
Use the following command to move the downloaded zip file to that directory. Linux filenames are case-sensitive so we have to be sure to type the name correctly (in our case, "").
mv serverbackup
use the following command to navigate into that directory.
cd serverbackup
Use the following command to use the unzip utility to extract the contents of the archive.
Step 4: Install the packages
The archive you have extracted contains two folders: one with .deb packages (in our case, "enterprise-manager-deb") and one with .rpm packages ("enterprise-manager-rpm"). If you are installing on RedHat and CentOS, select the .rpm package. Each folder contains a set of Server Backup components: serverbackup-setup, serverbackup-manager, and serverbackup-enterprise. Navigate to the folder with the packages i.e. deb-linux32 and run the following command.
rpm -i *.rpm
This will install all the components in one step. Note that you need root privileges to install packages.
Now that we have looked at the two methods of installing the Server Backup Manager, let us look at getting started with the backup manager.
Configuring and starting the Server Backup Manager Web-based user interface
Step 1: Define a Username and Password
A username and a password are required before you can start using the Server Backup Manager. Use the following command to define a username and a corresponding password.
serverbackup-setup --user DESIRED_USERNAME --pass DESIRED_PASSWORD
You will see the following output prompting you to restart the Server Backup Manager.
Server username and password set
The Server Backup Manager must be restarted for these changes to take effect
Use '/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart' to restart.
Use the following command to restart the Server Backup Manager.
/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart
Step 2: Configure ports
By default, the embedded web server in Server Backup Manager required for the Web-based Interface will listen on TCP ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). These ports are frequently used by your Linux server (e.g., by Apache). If you are already using ports 80 and 443, you will need to define different ports. Ports 8080 (HTTP) and 8443 (HTTPS) are recommended alternatives to the standard ports 80 and 443. However, you can choose any other valid and unused TCP port.
Use the following command to set the desired ports.
serverbackup-setup --http-port 8080 --https-port 8443
Step 3: Start the web interface
Use the following the Server Backup Manager web interface.
/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart
You can now access the Server Backup Manager Web interface using a web browser. To access it from the machine where the Server Backup Manager is installed, type "localhost" into the web browser's address bar. Otherwise, to access it over LAN, enter the IP address of the machine where it is installed.