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How to Upgrade an R1Soft Backkup Agent on CentOS, RHE or Fedora Print

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This article will outline how to upgrade the R1Soft Backup Agent installed on a Linux CentOS, RHE(Red Hat Enterprise), or Fedora machine.

Step 1: Stop the R1Soft Backup Agent from running. Use the following command to stop the Backup Agent since the upgrade process cannot take place if the process is running.

service cdp-agent stop 

This other command achieves the same thing.

/etc/init.d/cdp-agent stop 

To confirm that the Backup Agent is not running. You need to confirm that there are no running or defunct cdp-2-6 processes by executing the following command.

ps ax | egrep –i c[d]p

Step 2: Perform the upgrade by running the following command. Press "y" to proceed with the upgrade when you get the prompt.

yum install serverbackup-enterprise-agent 

Step 3: Start the new Backup Agent by running the following command.

service cdp-agent start

To verify that the agent has been upgraded to the latest version, use this command.

egrep "Agent Version|Starting" /usr/sbin/r1soft/log/cdp.log | tail -n2

Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded your Backup Agent. Due to the restart of the service, a full block scan will be conducted to ensure all the replicas are consistent.

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